About Our Team
At Annex Naturopathic Clinic we strive to fill in the gaps where previous approaches have not fully resolved your health concerns.
Our Naturopathic Doctors
Dr. Kamala-Devi Sivasankaran, ND
Stress & Anxiety, Sleep Concerns, Digestive Health, Family Medicine & Children’s Health
Our Manual Osteopathic Practitioner
Our Naturopathic Student Interns
Administrative Staff
Clinic Administrator
Part-time Reception
Part-time Reception
On Maternity Leave
Address The Root Cause With Naturopathic Solutions
Immune System Health
The main role of the immune system is to protect you from pathogens (think viruses, bacteria) that you encounter on a daily basis. However, many people suffer from conditions that are a result of an imbalanced or weakened immune system. Autoimmune disorders (such as lupus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis) and atopic disorders (such as asthma, allergies, eczema) are examples of conditions that can result from a dysfunctional immune system. Naturopathic medicine can help you find ways to strengthen and balance your immune system to reduce the severity and intensity of your symptoms, and in some cases, resolve the condition.
Stress & Fatigue
Do you often feel anxious? Are you having a hard time dealing with stress? Do you feel tired all the time, despite getting the proper amount of sleep? Are you having trouble sleeping? As our lives become increasingly demanding, these symptoms are becoming more common in the modern world. As a result, developing strong stress management strategies are more important than ever. If you feel your high-stress life is negatively impacting your health, naturopathic medicine offers a number of different solutions that can help you continue to operate at your best.
Digestive Issues
Have you been told you have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)? IBS is a presentation of unexplained symptoms, not an actual disease and is considered a diagnosis of exclusion. Symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramping and irregular bowel function can be explained by assessing the root cause of what may be impairing your digestive health. Addressing “the why” of digestive dysfunction is important because modern research has shown us that the digestive system can strongly influence the health of the whole body. Naturopathic doctors can offer effective solutions for addressing why you have these symptoms and restore your gut health.
Hormonal Concerns
Hormones play an exceptionally large role in the overall health of our bodies. Not only do they control the balance of our reproductive health, they influence our metabolism, sex drive, immune system, digestive system, cognitive function, and much more. How do you know if your hormones are out of balance? Different people can feel different things, but simply put, if your hormones require support, you may notice that you just don’t feel like yourself. If you believe you may have a hormonal imbalance, Annex Naturopathic’s team of experienced Toronto naturopaths can help.
About Annex Naturopathic Clinic
Services Offered
Classical Osteopathy
Are you dealing with chronic pain, anxiety, or depression? These conditions can hold you back from living a life of optimal health. An osteopathic manual therapy practitioner (OMTP) can help.
Osteopathic manual therapy is a form of gentle, drugless therapy developed in the 1800s. If you’re dealing with chronic pain, insomnia, stress, anxiety, or a chronic illness, an OMTP may have a place on your healthcare team.
Are you facing a high degree of stress or anxiety? Do you have digestive issues you can’t seem to solve? Is chronic pain making everyday life more difficult? If so, acupuncture may be just what you need.
Acupuncture is a millennia-old form of medicine that has been proven effective as a treatment for many modern ailments. Our Toronto naturopaths have extensive training in traditional chinese medicine and can incoporate acupuncutre into treatment plans.
Functional Laboratory Testing
In order to assess your health concerns, your naturopathic doctor may recommend routine and/or specialized testing.
Routine bloodwork may include nutrient testing (iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D), serum hormones (thyroid, sex hormones), metabolic testing (blood sugar, cholesterol) and inflammatory markers.
Examples of specialized testing include food sensitivity testing, urinary hormone assessments, or heavy metal testing. This combination of natural treatments directed by specific lab analysis allows your naturopathic doctor to provide targeted care.
Clinical Nutrition
With the vast amount of dietary information available, navigating the world of supplements and dietary philosophies can be overwhelming.
Our Toronto naturopaths have extensive training in nutritional biochemistry, functional nutrition and orthomolecular medicine.
Simply put, our NDs can recommend an individualized diet and targeted supplement plan that is most appropriate for your health concerns. The care you receive working with our team is anything but a one-size-fits-all approach.
Annex Naturopathic Clinic was co-created in 2015 by Marnie Luck and Tanya Lee, fast friends and naturopathic doctors.
Our Naturopathic Clinic Location
Monday: 10am – 6pm
Tuesday: 10am – 6pm
Wednesday: 10am – 6pm
Thursday: 10am – 6pm
Friday: 10am – 4pm
Saturday: By appointment only
***We close for lunch daily from 1:30pm-2:15pm***
Frequently Asked Questions About Naturopathic Medicine
Is a naturopathic doctor a "real" doctor?
Yes, absolutely. A naturopathic doctor is different than a medical doctor or a PhD, but they are still considered doctors. In Ontario, the only people who can call themselves naturopathic doctors are people who hold a valid doctor of naturopathy degree from an accredited naturopathic college.
Do I have to pay for my visits? Does OHIP cover anything?
OHIP does not cover any aspect of naturopathic patient treatment. However, most extended benefit plans do cover the appointment fees and some routine and specialized testing (similar to coverage for dentist and chiropractors).
Payment is required for each appointment. Receipts are provided for submission to your insurance company. We offer direct billing for various benefit providers.
Are naturopathic doctors licensed and regulated?
Yes. In Ontario, we’re regulated by the College of Naturopaths of Ontario. They maintain a public register of everyone who can legally practice naturopathic medicine in Ontario. It’s always a good idea to visit their website and confirm someone is an active registrant in good standing before seeing them for treatment.
Can a naturopathic doctor help me with ________?
Naturopathic doctors are considered general practitioners. As a result, we’re able to provide treatments for most ailments.
Can a naturopath help me with ________?
Naturopathic doctors are considered general practitioners. As a result, we’re able to provide treatments for most ailments.
I'm currently taking prescription drugs. Can I still see a naturopathic doctor?
Yes, of course. Naturopathic doctors are trained in the uses and effects of pharmaceutical drugs, as well as any contraindications between them and the treatments we offer. In some cases, we can offer an alternative treatment to a pharmaceutical option, and in others we can offer a solution to reduce the negative side effects that frequently come with pharmaceuticals.