Appointment Types, Fees, and Price Lists
Naturopathic Medicine
Initial Naturopathic Consultation
60-90 Mins
$295 - $350
Child Initial Naturopathic
Consultation (12 years
and under)
and under)
60-90 Mins
$275 - $350
Follow Up Naturopathic Appointment
60 Mins
$205 - $225
Follow Up Naturopathic Appointment
45 Mins
$170 - $175
Follow Up Naturopathic Appointment
30 Mins
$115 - $125
Acute Naturopathic Appointment
15 Mins
Reduced Rate Initial Naturopathic Consultation
60-90 Mins
This consultation is facilitated by our 4th year naturopathic student interns.
Reduced Rate Naturopathic Follow-up
30-60 Mins
These visits are facilitated by our 4th year naturopathic student interns.
Osteopathic Manual Therapy
Initial Osteopathic Manual Therapy
60 Mins
Initial Pediatric Osteopathic Manual Therapy (12 years and under)
45 Mins
Follow Up Osteopathic Manual Therapy
60 Mins
Follow Up Osteopathic Manual Therapy
45 Mins